Did you know?

Conversions using remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) have shown a CPA that’s up to 50% lower than the overall AdWords account average.1

About RLSA

Since it can take the average person six website visits to make a purchase2, online marketers know how important it is to stay connected to potential customers who are further along in the purchase funnel. With RLSA, you can make the most of your Search campaigns by focusing on your most valuable prospects — people who’ve visited your website before. RLSA is a feature that lets you tailor your keyword bids and ad text to influence these potential customers when they’re most likely to convert, helping you drive more conversions.

Let a “Premier Google Partner for AdWords” help you put RLSA to work for your digital advertising.

Contact Us About RLSA

(1) Internal Google data
(2) Google/Nielsen

Google AdWords Academy:
Certificate of Completion Presented to John Babb for the Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) course.
